In order to validate TRIBUTE’s results in the second half of the project, the necessary toolkits will be installed at testing sites and the energy performance will be measured and assessed.

The call requested two types of buildings in two different climates. La Rochelle (Oceanic) District Offices and Torino (Continental) Public Library buildings are in line with the call as they are located in two different climates bringing two different type of occupancy. In addition, IBM living lab located in Dublin will be used as a reference building.

Short descriptions of test sites that were chosen for the project are shown below including the information on location, building type, climate zone and building energy performance.
IBM Building 3 Living Lab
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Location description: |
Dublin Outer City Border, Ireland, West Europe |
GPS: |
+53° 25′ 8.06″, ‐6° 24′ 59.99″ |
Building type: |
Office Administrative |
Age: |
14 years old, retrofitted 14 month ago |
Capacity: |
Actively used by about 80 persons. |
Occupancy pattern: |
Operation hours for HVAC 7 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Building is accessible all time. |
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Climate conditions |
Climate zone: temperate maritime modified by North Atlantic Current
Terrain description: flat land
Buildings’ energy performance monitoring |
Sensors already installed: 1520 Lighting Management Datapoints; 940 Datapoints in the building automation system with thermal and cooling energy metering and energy efficient HVAC systems – AHU and FCU systems installed; 354 Schneider Electrical Energy Meters; 23 Window shading controller; 10 Independent Building Footfall Occupancy Sensors (Counting people accessing and leaving zones); 8 Sub water metering systems, rain water harvesting systems; 1 Site Independent Weather Station.
Wireless sensor network installed: About 50 wireless temperature sensors and 8 wireless water meters.
Discrepancies between predicted versus measured energy performance of buildings already observed: No prediction model was used
Scenarios to be tested |
The building is used to test and validate the T2.2 wireless localisation system. The building is used during the project to gather data on occupancy behaviour and its influence on energy performance to validate the models generated. The building is used as test case for the BEPS vs. the measured data. The high number of data points down to additionally installed workplace sensors allow very precise comparison and calibration of the thermal flow in the building.
Bâtiment Communauté d’Agglomération de La Rochelle, Vaucanson
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Location description: |
Périgny, 4km from La Rochelle City Centre. |
GPS: |
46.164667, ‐1.102903 |
Building type: |
Administrative building |
Age: |
Built in 1980, deep retrofit in 2012. |
Capacity: |
Used by 61 persons working in offices. |
Occupancy pattern: |
Office hours : 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
(possibly more for some staff categories) |
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Climate conditions |
Climate zone: oceanic (H2B)
Terrain description: suburban industrial zone
Buildings’ energy performance monitoring |
Sensors already installed: Presence/occupancy detectors; Sensors to monitor the temperatures; Remote control of the temperatures.
Wireless sensor network installed: N/A.
Discrepancies between predicted versus measured energy performance of buildings already observed: No prediction model was used.
Scenarios to be tested |
Buildings will be used in the WP8 in order to install TRIBUTE tools and apply methodology developed during the course of the project. The target is to reach the THPE (très haute performance énergétique ‐ very high energy efficiency label) + 20% above the actual RT2005 regulation for existing building.
Public library of Torino
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Location description: |
City north‐centre, Administrative District VII |
GPS: |
45°0862145749884N, 7°678166627883911 E |
Building type: |
Cultural and administrative public building |
Age: |
Built about 1900, retrofit in 2005. |
Capacity: |
Used by about 100 users. |
Occupancy pattern: |
Opening hours: 1 p.m. – 8 p.m.(six days a week) |
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Climate conditions |
Climate zone: Continental climate (zone E, ‐8°C + 30°C)
Terrain description: Average sandy and gravelly
Buildings’ energy performance monitoring |
Sensors already installed: Electrical and air conditioning monitoring system installed to monitor different aspect of the building, hydro thermometric values also available.
Wireless sensor network installed: N/A.
Discrepancies between predicted versus measured energy performance of buildings already observed: No prediction model was used.
Scenarios to be tested |
Buildings will be used in the WP8 in order to install TRIBUTE tools and apply methodology developed during the course of the project.